Nutrition & Weight Management
For conditions like:
Weight Loss
& Slimming
Using Methods like:
Ultrasound Lipolysis
Laser Ultrasound Lipolysis
Radiofrequency treatment
Ultrasound Lipolysis: It is a gentle, non-invasive procedure to remove the fat deposits in specific regions of the body. It is one of the safest methods for removing fat from & around the waist, inner thigh, abdomen, upper arms, knees, and ankles.
Laser Ultrasound Lipolysis:
It is a minimally invasive procedure that liquefies the fat for removal. It is a laser-based procedure that breaks down and removes fat cells.
Radiofrequency treatment:
It is a non-surgical method of tightening the skin. The procedure uses energy waves to heat the deep layer of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen.
Body Toning, Inch Loss
& Spot Reduction
With special treatments for:
Tummy tuck
Thigh tuck
Arm tuck
Body toning: With body toning treatment, you can improve the tone, texture and firmness of the skin for a smoother shape, targeting looser skin or areas of cellulite.
Inch loss: Our inch-loss treatment helps you lose inches from around typical areas of fat storage like the waist, hips and thighs according to your requirements.
Spot Reduction: Lose fat from a specific area such as the abdomen, thigh or arm with help of spot reduction treatment.